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Entries Dated Friday, 29 December 2006

What wonder is held in a smile?
The way she loves me, like the sun loves a flame...
And I just can't get over her touch.
Here I sit so often thinking about her, when I know there is more to be done.. always more to be done. Things to collect, information to gather, areas to inspect, training to be done.. evil to be dealt with.. and still I find time to dream in my day. I guess it is these pleasant, quiet times I look forward to. Always much more pleasant when shared with my Haleth, but amusing enough to imagine what she would say as I go through the many lists of things in my head.

I am concerned about Starling. Perhaps I shouldnt be, but I spoke to Will about it and that seemed to upset her even more. This business with the Unification of Chaos and "The Return" is just... unsettling and does not make me happy. Maybe a more direct approach is called for. Time will tell, I suppose.

There was a meteor recently and everyone is rather excited to find out what it may signal for us. Hope of new power from a new forge is on the horizon... but there are still more questions than answers. Soon, I think, soon we will know more. There have also been rumors of a second violet crystal... but no one can confirm anything. So hard to tell fact from rumor anymore. The Gods must be very amused with all of this...
Raffe posted @ 13:58 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Tuesday, 26 December 2006
Winter's weary breath
With the frozen words She speaks
Promises to keep.

If I could enter the Winter Ball contest, I think I would enter that. Its not much and I am sure that even if Icould enter, I wouldnt win... but that doesn't really matter. It seems that winter leaves its mark on us, some for better and some for worse.
Raffe posted @ 11:22 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Saturday, 23 December 2006
Its been one year, if anyone can believe it. Yesterday marked one year that I have fought to defend Valorn from the invasion of demons and beasts. Time has a funny way of cataracting in one's mind. In some ways, it seems like a lifetime since I was fighting sewer rats and acid jellies for the few silver peices I could gain from the merchants for what they left behind. However, I don't feel as if I have been at this for so very long. And what is a year, but a drop in the bucket of a lifetime.. and so many lives I have seen come and go in this year.

Ah well, best to not think on it too long or else I will certainly end up in deep philosophical fertilizer.

I have finished my string collecting and the brilliant textile artist I commissioned to assist me has returned the finished product. I left it folded and tucked under her arm to find when she wakes. I am rather excited and have been keeping myself busy with helping new adventurers or hunting in order to avoid purposely waking her, just to see the vibrant light of surprise in her eyes.

But there are always things to be done, which I should be doing. I will return to write more when things are quieter in the day.

I can't wait to see her again.
Raffe posted @ 12:04 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Tuesday, 19 December 2006
The preparations for the ball are very exciting. It is still a couple of weeks away, but there seems to be a bit of buzz since the announcement. I am hoping that interest ramps up as the day draws closer. The dance will be interesting.. with so many here in Valorn having different customs, Im sure it will be educational if nothing else. Haleth seems excited about it as well. I guess we will see if that cleric can tolerate a warrior with two left feet. As much as my Mother tried to teach me, she just couldnt instill all the graces of dancing in me. I do hope I am not a complete embarassment.

I was glad to see Hojo get his Green Crystal recently and even more proud to assist Fleur in getting her's as well! I will probably jinx myself by saying this, but that marks the fifth consecutive battle with a Green Guardian that I have assisted with that has ended in the primary combatant obtaining the covetted dull ancient green crystal. So many good things are happening for our guild now. More specifically our most deserving guild leader. I was more pleased than surprised to see the Crown of Thespis regally placed on her head and shortly there after the title of Lady.

There are other intriguing happenings as well. I admit that I have not seen a bit of it first hand, but there is a quiet buzz about a violet crystal, a hidden forge, and Order of Ryn, all some how linked with Fartown. Assuredly, the Knights have started investigating right away... but there really is only more questions to be answered once you start down that path. I think that subject is best left until there are answers than questions to be had.

Haleth has visited the Trainer again and also inquired recently as to why I wasnt ready as well. I suppose that I will have to face the dark alone eventually, but I can put it off awhile longer I think. No rush. No reason to tempt fate. I am finding myself oddly more satisfied with seeing Haleth advance in skill and power than when I see the trainer myself. I guess it's not so odd.
Raffe posted @ 17:14 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Monday, 11 December 2006
Shes almost like a child, Starling that is... but in no way innocent. Unknowing of certain things and accepting of things as they are or how they appear to be at least... rather than searching for hidden meanings. She is starting to understand metaphors, it seems. Its a good thing that she does and I think that has lessened her confusion somewhat as she is able to identify them, rather than taking every word literally. But her questions sometimes baffle me and every answer most often leads to more questions. Her most recent about kissing I think has been the... well, I dont want to say worst.. but definitely the most difficult to answer. Particularly because she had apparently spoken with Haleth about it and was well armed with several inquiries about kisses as rewards and treasures.
So, it seems that whoever saw to Starlings upbringing was nothing like my own Mother. She doesnt seem to understand a Mother's tenderness or how a kiss can cure almost anything that ails you.. not in the same way as a cleric, I had to explain. I guess it would be easier if she just... understood that love, in all of its forms, is a very poweful thing. But then, that is the cruxt of it all isnt it? If she did, then she wouldnt ask such things.

I think when i grow old I should like to live at Aldwythe's Landing. I think there is more to that Fountain than a mere supplying of water...
Raffe posted @ 13:35 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Tuesday, 05 December 2006
Well, I suppose one of the largest parts of being bonded is not hiding things from your bondmate... even when its for their own good. Or rather, its supposed to be a surprise. She had been suspecting for some time now, it seems. At least, she has been gently prodding me and even given to an occasional petulance when I had to quickly finish the business of her surprise before inviting her to where I was. Where it might have seemed that I was uninterested or hiding something of greater importance than.. well.. than this.

Many of my friends and even quite a few strangers have been extemely generous in their finding and giving of string. Yes, she knows now that I am collecting string. Thanks, in large part, to someone placing a great many of them in her pack instead of giving them directly to me. This, of course, led to more direct questioning of where.. why.. and so on.. Luckily, she was satisfied with knowing that I had something planned and didnt insist on know what exactly. I am also glad that I havent told anyone, as this one mistake (however kind hearted and generous the gesture was, and greatly appreciated.. even though she refused to hand over the string to me) shown me.. it might be best to just keep my own council on this, or Haleth will discover the truth before the surprise is properly prepared. Its like Alfin said, she has that look... and my heart opens up so wide that I cant hold a thing back from her. Im just glad she didnt ask, but I am hoping that it is finished soon!

Its wonderfully frustrating to be bonded such an intuitive woman. It certainly keeps me spontaneous... these planned surprises always get.. foiled!
Raffe posted @ 11:23 - Link - comments